
SEO Agency Gold Coast

Navigate the ever-changing digital landscape with an ally who is always one step ahead. As a local and small yet mighty SEO agency right here on the Gold Coast, we pride ourselves on genuine connections and forward-thinking strategies.

Our expertise goes beyond traditional tactics, as we continuously anticipate, innovate, and adapt in the world of SEO, ensuring your business not only keeps up but leads the way. With us, you’re not just getting a service; you’re gaining a partnership rooted in authenticity, local understanding, and a relentless pursuit of your success. 

Bre Davis - SEO Services

What Is SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the practice of improving a website’s visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). AKA it is practices that get your website appearing and performing on Google search. This is crucial for any business aiming to increase their online exposure, attract more website traffic, and enhance their lead generation and sales potential.

It involves optimising website content, structure, and code to make it more understandable to search engines like Google as well as the target website user – customers!

By improving a website’s SEO, it becomes easier for search engines to crawl and index the site, which can lead to higher rankings and increased organic traffic. On top of this, improving a website’s SEO also works to improve a website user’s experience and likelihood of converting into a sale or lead.

A successful SEO strategy requires ongoing effort and adaptation to keep up with changing search engine algorithms and user behaviour.

seo agency on the gold coast - online dashboard

Why Might I Need SEO?

SEO is crucial for businesses to increase their online visibility, attract more website traffic, and generate leads and sales. With most consumers starting their buying journey by searching (Googling!) for products and services online, businesses without SEO risk being invisible to potential customers.

SEO is also complementary to Google and Facebook Ads – often working hand in hand to streamline the best customer journey. This is because your website is where you typically direct your customers to convert.

Some businesses that benefit from ongoing SEO include:

Book A Complimentary Discovery Call

If you’re looking for a trusted SEO provider, or simply working out whether or not SEO is worth the investment for your business, book a complimentary call with Bre.

Can’t find a time in Bre’s calendar that works for you? Submit an online form and our team will get back to you to organise a time that suits!

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Get to know Bre

What Makes Us Different

No Lock-In Contracts

No minimum terms. We work on a monthly subscription model.

Readily Accessible

Got questions? Chat with our in-house team directly.

No-Jargon Reporting

24/7 access to your data with detailed reporting emailed monthly.

No Offshoring Policy

Our work doesn't get outsourced overseas.

Our Holistic Approach

We do more than just backlinks and blog posts.

Our SEO Services

At 5 Twelve, we have experience working with over 500 businesses ranging from local stores to international enterprises. We offer a set of SEO packages tailored to the unique needs of different industries and business types, as well as one-off SEO services to support businesses who just need that extra help.

Monthly SEO Packages

Starting from $350 per week + GST (billed monthly)

Each of our monthly SEO packages are tailored to meet the unique demands of your business, whether you’re targeting local visibility or national dominance. Our packages cover all the bases of SEO and are priced according to the number of hours and tools we’ll need to implement our strategy. With all of our packages, you can expect:

  • A comprehensive initial SEO audit & strategy
  • On-page SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • Google Business Profile (GBP) Optimisation and Strategy
  • SEO content strategy, creation and implementation (not just blog posts, but key webpages too!)
  • All-time access dashboard of data with monthly reports, WIPs and catch-ups in between
  • No lock-ins

One-Off SEO Services

Starting from $500 + GST or $150/hour + GST

One-off SEO changes are not recommended if your website needs TLC regarding its SEO as these efforts compound over time, but if you need an SEO during your new website build, for a quick fix, or for a strategy to implement yourself, we can help!

Our one-off services are split into three categories:

  1. SEO Kits – designed to cover the fundamental aspects of SEO for new website builds
  2. Full Audit Document – a detailed, 20+ page report and strategy by our SEO experts
  3. Adhoc SEO Consulting – charged at an hourly rate to help implement conversion tracking, GBP fixes, quick on-page SEO fixes and other SEO bits and bobs.
These services are ideal for businesses who already take an active role in enhancing their website’s SEO.

Let's Break Down Some SEO Jargon

We understand. There’s a lot of jargon in SEO and it can be a headache!

At 5 Twelve, we like to cover all bases with our packages by working a holistic approach but that involves a lot of jargon. Education is a key part of the service we provide, so let’s break down the key areas we love to deep dive!

SEO audits involve a comprehensive review of a business’ website and online presence to identify strengths and weaknesses in its search engine optimisation. An audit covers technical SEO, on-page optimisation, and off-page factors. It pinpoints issues like broken links, poor mobile usability, and ineffective use of keywords, heading tags or call-to-actions.

Local SEO is the practice of optimising a business’ website to increase traffic, leads, and brand awareness from local searches (AKA searches that include a geographical tag on the end such as ‘restaurant Gold Coast’ or ‘restaurant near me’). Common tasks include optimising a Google Business Profile (GBP), optimising for local keywords, and collecting reviews from local customers. It’s crucial for businesses like restaurants, local service providers, and brick-and-mortar stores that depend on regional clientele but can be highly beneficial for any service-based business.

A Reporting Dashboard provides a visual representation of data related to a website’s SEO performance. It typically displays metrics such as traffic volumes, source of traffic, page performance, and keyword rankings. Dashboards are used for ongoing monitoring and quick checks, and will typically pull data from Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and third-party SEO software.

Monthly Reports are detailed documents that outline the results of SEO efforts over the past month, typically comparing to the previous. They include analysis of traffic, engagement, and other key performance indicators. These reports guide future SEO actions and adjustments.

On-page SEO involves optimising the content and structure of web pages (the parts of the website that are visible) to improve how a Google bot may read, interpret and then rank the webpage on Google search. This includes properly using title tags, meta descriptions, and headers, and ensuring that the content is both comprehensive and keyword-rich.

Off-page SEO refers to actions taken outside of your own website to impact your rankings within search engine results pages. This includes link building, guest blogging, adding schema and more. The goal is to improve a website’s credibility and authority whilst also weaving a more detailed idea of who you are to put forth to the Google Gods.

In SEO, content refers to the text and information on a site’s pages. It plays a critical role in search engine ranking and user engagement. High-quality, engaging content is more likely to be engaged with and linked to, which can improve SEO results. Content must be well-written, relevant, and updated regularly to be effective.

Competitor Analysis in SEO involves examining the websites of your competition to see what they are doing well and where they might be vulnerable. This analysis can reveal valuable SEO strategies, such as keywords they are targeting, backlinks they have built, and the structure of their site content. This information can be used to refine your SEO strategy.

E-commerce SEO is the process of making your online store more visible in Google search. When people search for products that you sell, you want to rank as highly as possible, and achieve more real estate, so you get more traffic. It involves optimising your website down to a product page level with headings, product descriptions, metadata, internal link structure, and navigational structure for search and user experience. Each product you sell should have a dedicated page designed to draw traffic from search engines.

Some of Our Case Studies

case study 3 - stagnant organic traffic for local funeral directors increased through seo efforts

Local Funeral Director - Overcoming Stagnant Results

150% increase in traffic after 1 year

This local funeral director saw some really great success in 2020, but this success ran stagnant for a long time. They seemed to be ranking in top positions across a handful of high-volume terms, but the traffic reaching their website wasn’t all enquiring.

Their SEO strategy focused on building out their authority on broader keywords whilst bolstering the user experience (UX) and E.E.A.T. (expertise, experience, authority and trust) elements on the website to drive more calls and enquiries.

Case Study 4 - local arborist organic growth in traffic

Talented Arborist - High-Converting SEO Traffic Growth

Double website traffic after 3 months

A local arborist first dipped their toes in Google Ads + SEO when they kick-started their digital marketing journey at the start of 2021, but soon found their organic performance was providing enough work to no longer spend thousands of dollars on paid advertising every month!

Their organic performance continues to grow with regular optimisations and content refreshes/uploads. There was a primary focus on service page content optimisation, Google Business Profile (GBP) optimisation, and removing technical issues.

case study 2 - organic traffic growth in an electric bike hire company start up

E-Bike Hire Start Up - Instant Skyrocket of Digital Performance

0 users to 300 per day in 6 months

This electric bike hire company started fresh in December 2021. Despite a tight budget for website creation and SEO, we quickly helped them establish an online presence by the Easter school holidays and have only seen growth from then.

Their industry is quite niche but there were tons of competitors in their area that we were able to beat out quickly using an easy, online booking system with original imagery, content, and blog topics pulling in top-of-the-funnel audiences into conversions.

Regional Dentist - The Power of Relevant Content

Averaged 1,700 website users a day after 3 years

A regional dental practice saw a huge snowball effect after the release of a blog “How Much Does Invisalign Cost?”. Investing $1K per month on SEO, this client saw a huge boost in their entire organic performance – starting 2021 with 300-400 organic clicks to 2023 with over 4K!

This blog helped search engines recognise their authority in the industry which led to higher rankings across the board as well as a featured snippet with this blog. The conversion rate remained high even with huge growth in traffic.

So, What Can You Expect With 5 Twelve?

Embarking on your SEO journey with the specialists at 5 Twelve ushers you into a partnership defined by commitment, innovation, and transparency. Collaborating with us is your next strategic move because:

  1. Comprehensive SEO Mastery: Our suite of SEO services is exhaustive and holistic. We don’t just tick boxes; we immerse ourselves in your digital world. From on-page nuances to off-page strategies and technical backbone strengthening, we cover every aspect, turning your SEO investment into quality traffic and growth.
  2. 24/7 Reporting Dashboard: Knowledge is power, and immediate, round-the-clock access to your SEO data is pivotal. That’s why we offer an intuitive, always-accessible reporting dashboard with monthly touchpoints.
  3. Unwavering Transparency: In a field crowded with vague promises and shadowy tactics, we stand apart with a commitment to clarity. Every strategy, action, and result is communicated with you, ensuring you know exactly what’s going on.
  4. Finger on the Pulse: The digital landscape doesn’t just evolve; it leaps. At 5 Twelve, we’re perpetually poised at the industry’s edge, adapting, learning, and leveraging the latest trends, updates, and best practices. 

With 5 Twelve, you’re not just employing a service; you’re aligning with a partner who cares for your growth as much as you do. 

5 Twelve custom dashboard

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